Toilet tales

So, if gender equality is now recognised as a human right (has been since 2010) why oh why is the toilet situation still such an issue?

I recently watched a wonderful video of transgender adults answering a series of ‘most frequently asked’ questions and one of them was “which bathroom do you use” they just laughed.

I have heard an awful story recently of a little girl (MTF) who has recently come out at school and transitioned as a girl who ended wetting herself due to another child not letting her in the girls toilets because the child’s mother had told her that this little girl had a willy! Firstly WTF and secondly why was that parent discussing another child’s genitalia with her daughter! At this child’s school although the school have said she can use the female toilets the parents are in uproar and have very aggressively argued their case for making her use the boys loos!

It appears that when it comes to toilets a lot of people have very strong views, personally I can’t understand it, imagine for a moment living as a boy, wearing a boy’s uniform, having a boy’s name and short hair (essentially BEING a boy) and then having to walk into a toilet full of girls! Surely anyone can see that this is not right?! It would make that child feel like a rabbit in the headlights, I would imagine it would make the other toilet users feel uncomfortable and it draws much more attention to the situation than is needed.

Obviously I understand as children get older there is a safeguarding issue but surely if the child or in fact adult feels comfortable using the toilets of the gender that they live (and why wouldn’t they) then they should be left alone to do so in peace?! And is it really anyone else’s business where they do their business!

At our school we have unisex toilets at the moment but when the time comes there will be no argument where my child will go to toilet, I will allow him to use whichever bathroom he feels comfortable and will expect the school to be behind me, I hope that other parents will not have an issue with it but if they do I will be sure to have the 2010 human rights act to hand!


2 thoughts on “Toilet tales

  1. Hi holly, i have been reading some of your bloggs over the past few weeks, i want to say that you are a real inspiration, gender is not skin deep and comes in all different forms. I remember when you were pregnant and just wanted to say yiu are doing a fantastic job at bringing up your son, ben should be really proud of his mam. X x x

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